
Friday, March 24, 2006

Hopefully you found this.
Hell, I miss failedpessimist. Been using it since I was 12. 11. Whatever.

But the point is - we won!


Fuck, we won against Crescent, which was really really good.

It was so damn scary, y'know. It was a draw of nil all, even when the match ended. Then we had the tiebreaker of two 5 minute sessions. After that, it was still a draw.

So the victor had to be decided via a series of penalty shots.

That was damned scary. We were all GO LORRAINE; the goalkeeper, y'see.

First shot - I'm not sure who it was, but we scored one against their goalkeeper. Cue cheers.

Next, Crescent girl pitted against Lorraine. Again, GO LORRAINE. And see, Lorraine blocked the ball. She blocked all the balls. Lorraine, you'll never read this, but you rock. I mean seriously.

During the match itself I was nervous. Like last year I resorted to sms-ing.
great stress reliever.
I smsed my mum, nick, robyn and myself. The latter... by mistake. Um, I don't know how it happened? Yeah after that I was still so gah anxious.

I actually cheered for Lorraine! And st. nicks. Slip of the tongue. Nervousness makes me do funny things.

And we were all cheering and pouring onto the pitch, you know, after that. It took us a while to realize.

Lorraine blocked the ball. Cheers.

Moment's pause.

And then the secthrees, who were kneeling on the half-line in prayer, suddenly got up and started whooping and skipping and running towards Lorraine and flinging theirselves onto her.

And we sectwos and ones realized that we'd won.

And thus we poured onto the pitch, cheering and shrieking and screaming.

I love being in stnickshockey.

Only after that it was the boys' finals, Northland (YES THEY WON WHEE) against RI. So the RI coach or someone was rudely telling us celebrating girls to 'clear off' or something like that.

Pfft, how mechanical. Obviously they don't understand the joys of winning.

I actually feel happy for the secfours. And threes.

The amazing thing is that I rarely feel happy for anyone.

Oh well.

Sorry for anyone I've left out; anyone whose name has been misspelled.

Seriously, we love you. :3

A-nyway. The boys' match. Northland won. Poor RI, they lose every year at the hockey finals. But anyway, the RI contingent of supporters...

Well, the guys cheered. Go Raffles Go, they said.
Their voices were so frickin' low!
Poor things. Low tones lack the essence of the spirit of cheer. :D
At least in my opinion.
Us girls do it best.
But I liked their cheer 'Ra-ra-ra-ra-ffffffffffles'.
Their low voices just happened to suit that cheer.
Although girls would still do it better.

It was the exact same scenario as last year's c'div comps.
Similarities being that last year, we won. This year too, we won.
I love my seniors.

Different in that RI wasn't pitted against SK (last year, SengKang thrashed RI. AHAHA TAKE THAT), but Northland.

Northland won.

Love Northland.

The word 'love' has been used quite often in this post. mm.

Gave my speech today. Apparently I was a good speaker. Well, 4/5 for every aspect, my score. Calculate that yourself. (:

Lit test. Q2 confused everyone.
DAMMIT. Oh all questions they had to phrase unclearly, they just had to choose the 8marks question. If the answer doesn't have to be based on the quote, then I think I'll do... fairly well. Prob'ly will lose marks for the one I explained in less than 10 lines. :

Failed congruency and similarity.

Low A1 for Bio.

Speech. I don't like the number 6.


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